Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Games, Gaming, and the experience in general

So, you want to play a game with options, right? you want to feel like there are options in front of you, not just the options that a programmer somewhere thought you might like to have and gave to you, but the option to frrely decide exactly what you want to do? Oh, Princess Peach was kidnapped? Uh, yeah, i'll get around to that.

The world of tabletop games awaits you, sometimes also called pen and paper games. There are many different versions of pen and paper games, from Dungeons and Dragons, to MRPG, to GURPS, to Fallout, to Shadowrun, to the Mage series, to Call of Cthulu, to the vampire series.

These games give groups of people the ultimate decisions as to what happens during their gaming experience, do you save the Princess, or slay the Dragon? Do you stop the kings assassination, or allow it, then step in to kill the would be assassin and take control of the kingdom yourself?

The options are out there, you just have to make the decisions for yourself.

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